2012년 1월 23일 월요일

Young's information

My name is Young Sin Kim. I'm from Korea. I'm Korean. I was born 1990. Today is my burthday. Now i'm 22years old.

I'm a student in university of ulsan but now a days i'm studing in the U.K.

My majores are spanish and accounting. I hope to be an accountent. I speak to korean, spenish, and little english.

My hobbies are snowbording and singing. Usually i go to a karaoke bars but in the UK i  haven't been to karaoke. So i look for a new hobby that  is watching musical and foodball. When i was 15's i saw fist time a musical that is fantastic and interesting. That musical was Lion King.

댓글 1개:

  1. I really like your blog! Well done, good start. Enjoy your birthday :)
