Do you know about Korea? What is famous in Korea? How can enjoy in Korea?
First, Korea is between China and Japan. Korea capital is Seoul and we speak to Korean. 4,875 ten thousand people live in Korea. Usually North Korea is more famous in South Korea. :D Since 1997, we have a big problem that bankruptcy in economy but we has made rapid economic growth.
Second, many of people know that Samsung, Hyundai and LG are Japan's company but there are Korea famous company.
Nowadays famous that k-pop, culture and drama so many people came to Korea.
third, if come to Korea, you can enjoy many thing.
1. In winter days you can take ski and snowboard.
2. You can use the internet best speed and many of wife zone.
3. You can eat many of food.
4. If you want to go to the club after introduce that.
5. In fall you can enjoy autumn colors.
Final, be careful for tip.
1. Don't take subway in rush hour.
2. Many expensive in Seoul so go out city and more beautiful the countryside.
3. Don't jaywalking.